Today I share Benjamin’s “First Day of School” Session. I wanted to celebrate this milestone with some thing just for him. Below is my letter to him, my thoughts on this special time.
Dear Benjamin,
I knew almost immediately. It was only a matter of days later and I took the test…two little lines. Very faint, but I already knew you were there. I had butterfly’s in my tummy I was so excited! I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Daddy was ecstatic. We couldn’t wait to meet you. It was a tough 9 months and in the beginning we didn’t know if you were going to stay. I was scared you would leave us too soon. But, you are a fighter and stubborn, and you stuck in there.
When you were born, you were the most perfect thing I had ever seen, all squirmy and blue. You didn’t make much noise, just that first little squeak. But you weren’t opening your eyes for anything! It took almost 4 days for you to take a proper peek around at this strange new world. When we would speak to you, you would turn in our direction, you knew who were were. We were so excited to share you with the world. I couldn’t wait to introduce everyone to my precious, special little man.
Then, one day, I must have blinked too long and you turned one. You were a ball of fun on two legs (when you stayed upright!). Everything amazed and excited you. You are, even now, filled with such wonder about the world. Everyone could make you giggle and you could make anyone smile. At two and three, you were happy to go with the flow. Your favorite place was glued to my legs. At least until Daddy got home anyway. Daddy could always light up your world. You would listen for the garage door of an afternoon and wait, with bated breath for it to open. So excited to have your rough and tumble play mate home.
At four, you started to know your own brilliance. You loved knowledge and would seek it from anyone that would give you answers. At Kindy, you were a leader. You had many friends and were a favorite with the girls. In new situations, you were tentative at first, seeking reassurance. Then after a few moments, and a look from me confirming your ability, you were off.
Now you are five and you are strong. So rarely needing my look. Ready to take on new challenges. You still light up the world with your smile and sparkling eyes. You can’t wait to go to school. You are growing in more ways than one. You now wipe away my kisses claiming girls germs, hate the thought of having a girlfriend and think lovey stuff in movies is yuck. You can make your own breakfast, love to cook, can count to 100 in two’s. You are still a social butterfly that loves to be the life of the party. We still call you BB, for Baby Benjamin. I like that because, for me, it is the last remnant of that tiny little newborn we brought home from the hospital 5 years ago.
Today is about you.
You growing up.
Me, letting go just a little more.
Us, starting a new journey together.